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Oliver Brown

Oliver Brown

3 Nov 2023


30 Read.

10 Exotic Fruits

When exploring the realm of fruits you’ll uncover a range of tastes, consistencies and scents that go beyond the usual. Among these are the 10 exotic fruits that stand out not just for their unique appearance but also for their unparalleled taste. These delicious fruits, commonly discovered in parts of the world take us on a mouthwatering adventure that awakens our senses and showcases the variety of life, on Earth.


10 Exotic Fruits

Durian, commonly known as the “king of fruits ” originates from Southeast Asia. It has gained a reputation, for its aroma that either captivates or repels individuals. The inner flesh of this fruit is incredibly creamy and reminiscent of custard.


10 Exotic Fruits

This particular fruit originates, from Southeast Asia. Has a resemblance to a lychee with its texture. The juicy and sweet flesh inside is similar, to that of a lychee. It has its distinctive flavor.


10 Exotic Fruits

Mangosteen, known as the “queen of fruits ” is a fruit that has an exterior and contains aromatic white segments inside. It is naturally found in Southeast Asia.


10 Exotic Fruits

Jackfruit, which is the fruit that grows on trees can reach weights of, up to 80 pounds. It originates from South and Southeast Asia. This fruit carries an fruity scent. Its flavor can be likened to a blend of different fruits such, as apples, pineapples and bananas.

Salak (Snake Fruit)

10 Exotic Fruits

Salak, which is originally, from Indonesia has a skin that’s reddish brown and covered in scales to those of a snake. When you bite into it the flesh inside is delightfully crunchy. Has a sweetness, to it.

Pitaya (Dragon Fruit)

10 Exotic Fruits

This particular fruit possesses a yellow outer layer adorned with green scales while its inner flesh can be either white or red containing small black seeds. Originally hailing from Central and South America the fruit is now cultivated in countries spanning the globe.

Buddha’s Hand

10 Exotic Fruits

This fruit is divided into sections that resemble fingers and is originally, from Northeastern India and China. It is commonly utilized for its zest or, as a way to add fragrance to rooms.

African Horned Cucumber

10 Exotic Fruits

This fruit, commonly referred to as kiwano features, prickly orange skin and vibrant green flesh with a texture. While it originates from Africa it is now cultivated in regions, across the globe.


10 Exotic Fruits

This fruit, which is green and has spikes is naturally found in the areas of the Americas. The inside of the fruit is soft white. Has a flavor that combines the sweetness of strawberries with the tanginess of pineapples.


10 Exotic Fruits

The cherimoya, also known as the “custard apple ” is characterized by its green, scaly skin and the presence of white flesh inside. This delightful fruit originates, from the Andes mountain range.

Final Thought

The realm of 10 exotic fruits is a testament to nature’s creativity and abundance. Each of these ten fruits has its qualities that encourage us to broaden our taste preferences and admire the wide array of offerings that nature provides. Whether you’re a fruit connoisseur or simply embarking on your journey these extraordinary treasures are guaranteed to make an impact.

10 Exotic Fruits