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Sam Bennett

Sam Bennett

10 Jan 2024 Updated.


28 Read.

Teen Independence Curbed as Businesses Require Adult Chaperone Policies

In recent months, an increasing number of businesses, including shopping malls, amusement parks,. And even restaurants, have implemented chaperone policies for teenagers. These policies require teens to be accompanied by adults during specific hours or at certain venues.

The goal is to address disruptive behavior among young visitors, which has been attributed to a minority of teenagers.

While many people support these measures as a means to create a safer environment and reduce disruptions, critics argue.

That they limit teen independence and social development, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on their social lives.

Rise in Chaperone Policies

One prominent example is the Garden State Plaza in Paramus, New Jersey, which now mandates that anyone under 18 must be accompanied by an adult chaperone on Friday and Saturday nights after 5 p.m. Similar policies have been in place at the Mall of America since 1996.

And they have progressively tightened, with teens now requiring adult supervision after 3 p.m. daily.

Other establishments, such as amusement parks and even a Chik-fil-A franchise. Have also enforced chaperone policies due to increased incidents of disruptive behavior, often influenced by social media platforms like TikTok.

While some argue that chaperone policies are necessary to enhance safety and protect businesses. Others express concerns about the impact on teen independence and social development.

Shopping malls, amusement parks, and local theaters have traditionally served as gathering places for teenagers. To socialize and explore their independence.

However, the implementation of chaperone policies may inadvertently accelerate the shift to online activities, which parents initially aimed to avoid.

Experts emphasize the importance of providing spaces where young people can develop socially beyond the confines of the virtual world.

The chaperone policies also have financial implications for businesses. Market research data reveals that teens have significantly reduced their spending compared to other age groups, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic.

By requiring adults to accompany teenagers, businesses hope to boost spending among the older age groups.

However, there may be a decrease in the number of trips made by teens, which could affect overall financial outcomes.

Chaperone Policies

Enforcing Policies

At Garden State Plaza and several amusement parks, the chaperone policies are strictly enforced, with security guards stationed at entrances to check the identification of young shoppers suspected of being underage and unaccompanied by an adult.

Amusement park operator Cedar Fair Entertainment Co. has implemented adult chaperone policies in at least eight of its parks, aiming to maintain a safe and positive environment in response to an increase in unruly and inappropriate behavior.

Teenagers express mixed feelings about the chaperone policies. Some, like Jorden, who used to enjoy spending time with friends at Garden State Plaza, feel disappointed and may seek alternative venues or turn to online activities.

Others argue that improved security measures, such as more effective searches for weapons, would be a better solution than imposing chaperone policies.

Certain businesses claim that chaperone policies have been successful in reducing disruptive incidents. The Mall in Columbia, Maryland, implemented a chaperone policy that transformed the weekend atmosphere into a pleasant family-friendly environment.

Similarly, Capital 8 Theater locations in Missouri and Illinois saw a significant reduction in disruptions after implementing a chaperone policy.

Businesses are increasingly implementing chaperone policies to address disruptive behavior among teens.

While these policies aim to enhance safety and create a positive environment, they have raised concerns about limiting teen independence and social development.

Striking a balance between safety and personal growth is crucial to ensure that young people have spaces to interact and develop socially outside of the digital realm.

Guidelines for Chaperones

Your Role, as a Chaperone; As a chaperone your primary responsibility is to ensure the safety and well being of all participants, minors. It’s important to have an understanding of your role and the expectations that come with it.

Remain Vigilant; Always stay alert and attentive. Regularly take headcounts of the participants. Be aware of their whereabouts and activities at all times.

Enforce Rules and Policies; Familiarize yourself with the rules and policies of the event or trip. Consistently enforce them. This helps maintain order and ensures everyones safety.

Be Approachable and Supportive; Encourage participants to feel comfortable approaching you with any concerns or problems they may have. Offer support, guidance and reassurance whenever needed.

Respect Privacy; Show respect for the privacy of all participants in situations such as changing rooms or overnight accommodations. Maintain boundaries to create an environment for everyone involved.

Emergency Preparedness; Be prepared for emergencies by familiarizing yourself with emergency procedures knowing the location of facilities keeping a first aid kit handy and having important contact information readily available.

Avoid Favoritism; Treat all participants without showing favoritism towards anyone. Fairness is key in maintaining an atmosphere for everyone involved.

Effective Communication; Maintain lines of communication with chaperones, event organizers and participants. Clear communication helps ensure that everyone stays informed about any updates or changes throughout the event or trip.

Maintain Professionalism; Uphold a demeanor at all times. Avoid consuming alcohol during your role, as a chaperone and refrain from engaging in any behavior that could undermine your position as a figure.

Child Protection Training; If you will be working with minors it is recommended to undergo child protection training to gain knowledge on recognizing signs of abuse or neglect in order to respond appropriately if such situations arise.

Teen Independence Curbed as Businesses Require Adult Chaperone Policies