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Sam Bennett

Sam Bennett

24 Oct 2023 Updated.


18 Read.

Beer Ball

Beer Ball is a well-liked drinking game that brings together the strategy of beer pong with the thrill of flip cup. It’s the kind of game that’s ideal for social gatherings with a large group of close friends. In this piece, we will present an in-depth description of the game, as well as its rules, methods, and etiquette, as well as some helpful hints to assist you in becoming the champion of Beer Ball.

Equipment Needed

To play Beer Ball, you’ll need the following equipment:

  • Beer – At least two cans of beer per player.
  • Ping pong balls – At least two balls per team.
  • Plastic cups – The standard 16-ounce cups work well.
  • Table – Any sturdy table that’s large enough to accommodate the players and cups.

Rules of the Beer Ball

Number of Players

In a game of Beer Ball, the usual number of participants is four, split into two teams of two each. On the other hand, the game may also be played with a greater number of participants.

Beer Ball

Setting Up the Cups

In order to begin, it is necessary for each side to position six cups on the four corners of the table, as well as three on each end. It is recommended that the cups be set in a triangular arrangement, with the cup in the back being placed behind the front two cups by a small amount.

Beer Ball Table

This table outlines the various cup arrangements that can be used, along with the total number of cups that are needed for each arrangement. While you are preparing to play the game, use this table as a reference.

Cup ConfigurationTotal Cups
2-3-2 or 3-2-37
3-3-3 or 4-3-410
4-4-4 or 5-4-513

Starting the Game

The first thing that happens is a toss of the coin to see which team will go first in the game. The team that prevails in the flip of the coin gets to decide whether they will shoot first or if they will defend first.

Beer Ball Gameplay

In the game of Beer Ball, the objective is to score points by sinking ping pong balls into the cups that belong to the opposite team.

The game is broken up into rounds, and each round consists of one team taking shots while the other team defends their territory.


The first thing the shooting team does is launch the ping pong ball toward one of the cups that belong to the other team.

If they are successful in hitting the cup, they are required to start drinking their own beer as soon as possible while the opposing team tries to retrieve the ball and get it close to the table.

The team that is now shooting is not allowed to take another shot until the team that is defending touches the ball to the table.

Beer Ball


The objective for the team that is defending is to retrieve the ball and get it close to the table before the team that is shooting has finished their beer.

When the team that is defending contacts the ball with the table, the team that is shooting is required to stop drinking and go and get the ball.


If a member of the shooting team successfully hits one of the cups belonging to the opposing team and then finishes drinking their beer before a member of the defending team touches the ball to the table, the shooting team receives one point. After that, the side that is defending takes the cup away and finishes off any beer that is left in it.

Beer Ball


When three cups have been taken from one side of the table, the team that is currently defending has the option to ask for a re-rack. A re-rack entails reorganizing the leftover cups into a smaller triangle arrangement than the original rack. There are two opportunities during each game to re-rack the cups.

Winning the Beer Ball

The game continues until one team has no cups remaining. The team with remaining cups wins the game.

Variations of Beer Ball

There are many variations of Beer Ball, such as playing with more than two teams, playing with a “death cup,” or having a penalty for hitting a cup and not making it in. These variations can make the game even more exciting, so feel free to experiment with them!

Strategies and Tips

Shooting Techniques For Beer Ball

Be sure to aim for the middle of the cup whenever you fire. Your odds of successfully hitting the cup and earning a point will go increased as a result of this action. You can also try to throw off the defense of the opposing team by bouncing the ball off of a table or a wall.

Defending Techniques For Beer Ball

When playing defense, you should make every effort to get the ball back as quickly as you can and bring it to the table. You can also make it more difficult for the shooting squad to hit their target by obstructing their vision of the cups they need to hit.

Tips for Winning the Game

  • Communication is key – work with your teammate to come up with a strategy and communicate during the game.
  • Stay focused – don’t get too distracted by the drinking and socializing, or you may miss a shot or fail to defend properly.
  • Practice makes perfect – the more you play Beer Ball, the better you’ll get at it. So, practice with friends and improve your skills.

Youtube Video About Beer Ball

Beer Ball Etiquette

Beer Ball is a thrilling and entertaining game, but it’s essential to keep in mind that you need to drink and play in a responsible manner. These are some tips for Beer Ball etiquette:


Beer ball is a game that calls for competitive spirit from its players. Maintain a level of decorum for your adversaries and steer clear of excessive cheering or teasing. Keep in mind that this is simply a game, and the point is for you to enjoy yourself.

Beer Ball

Drinking Responsibly

Because Beer Ball is a drinking game, it is essential that players drink in moderation. Take things slow and don’t push yourself too hard. If you feel as though you’ve had too much to drink, you should either stop playing or take a rest.

Clean Up After the Game

After the game is over, you need to make sure that any used cups or cans are cleaned up. Keep the environment neat and clean for the gamers who come after you.

It is recommended that any cans or bottles that are empty be disposed of in the appropriate manner.

What Balls Are Used For Beer Pong?

Beer pong, also referred to as Beirut is a liked drinking game in which participants toss a ping pong ball across a table, with the goal of landing it inside a cup containing beer on the side. This game typically involves using ping pong balls that are perfectly suited, for the throwing and aiming aspects of the game.

Can You Bounce The Ball in Beer Pong?

Yes it’s quite common to bounce the ball while playing beer pong. Depending on the rules established if the ball is bounced and the opposing team has an opportunity to bat it away successfully making a shot through a bounce might be worth more, than one cup.

Nevertheless the exact details can differ depending on the rules agreed upon by the players or enforced at the venue.

Where Can I Buy Bally Short Boy Beer?

The content you provided does not mention a beer called “Bally Short Boy Beer.” It could be that this beer is not widely known or available, in all regions. If you’re looking for beer brands or products I would suggest checking out liquor stores, breweries or online beer retailers.

Final Thought

Beer Ball is an exhilarating drinking game that is great for parties and other get-togethers due to its entertaining and energetic nature. You will be able to play the game in a manner that is both effective and responsible if you adhere to the rules, methods, and etiquette that are detailed in this article. Get a group of your closest friends together, crack open some beers, and get ready for a fun evening of Beer Ball!

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Can you still get beer balls?

Beer balls, popular in the 1970s and 1980s, are now rare. Certain specialist stores and online retailers may still sell them. Craft breweries have revived beer balls as a novelty item.

How much beer was in a beer ball?

Beer balls generally held 5 gallons (640 ounces), or 53 12-ounce cans. The party-friendly beer ball may distribute big amounts of beer without a keg or tap.

What is the throw ball at beer can game?

Can slam or beer pong slam is the toss ball at beer can game. Two-player teams play a drinking game. Each team throws a ball at a tabletop pyramid of cans to knock them down. The other team must catch and touch the ball to the table before the cans fall. The throwing team must consume beer before play resumes if the cans fall.

How do you play Beerball?

Beerball mixes beer pong with flip cup. The game requires a table, plastic cups, ping pong balls, and alcohol. Two-player teams take turns throwing the ping pong ball into the other team’s cups. If they succeed, the other team must drink their beer and retrieve the ball. One team loses all cups.

What is another name for beer ball?

Beer ball is also known as Polish horseshoes, Frisbeer, and Beersbee.

Beer Ball