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Sam Bennett

Sam Bennett

24 Mar 2023 Updated.


37 Read.

How to Use St John’s Wort Oil For Nerve Pain

Using St John’s Wort oil for nerve pain effectively reduces inflammation, relieves pain, and improves circulation. The oil is derived from the Hypericum perforatum plant. It is native to Europe and Asia and grows in North America.

The flowering tops are steeped in carrier oil such as olive oil, jojoba oil, or almond oil, and the tincture is taken inly. The plant is also used as a herbal remedy for rheumatism, abrasions, and burns.

This oil is used in massages and as a compress to ease rheumatism, bruising, and muscle strains. St John’s Wort oil is also effective in relieving the symptoms of restless leg syndrome.

It is also effective in reducing the pain associated with arthritis and tendon sprains.

The plant also contains antioxidant compounds, which are believed to positively affect inflammation.

Types of St John’s Wort Oil

The blooming plant known as St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) has been used for ages as a herbal remedy.

St. John’s Wort Oil, which is made from the plant’s yellow blossoms, is one of its most well-known forms.

As a massage oil, a component of skincare products, and for its anti-inflammatory characteristics, this oil is valued for its calming and healing qualities.

Type of St. John’s Wort OilExtraction MethodBenefits
Infused St. John’s Wort OilSteeping dried flowers in a carrier oilSoothes muscle pain, bruises, burns, and skin irritations
Cold-Pressed St. John’s Wort OilPressing the plant’s seeds to extract the oilMoisturizes, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, soothes dry and irritated skin
Organic St. John’s Wort OilMade from organically grown flowersFree of harmful residues and contaminants, more potent and effective
Blended St. John’s Wort OilCombination of St. John’s Wort Oil and other carrier oilsCustomizable, synergistic effect combining benefits of St. John’s Wort Oil with other oils

1. Infused St. John’s Wort Oil

To extract the therapeutic benefits of the plant, dried St. John’s Wort flowers are steeped in a carrier oil, like olive oil, for a number of weeks. The most popular and generally accessible form of St. John’s Wort oil is this one.

Hypericin, a substance thought to have antiviral and antidepressant qualities, is abundant in it. St. John’s Wort oil that has been infused with the herb is frequently used to treat burns, bruises, and bruised muscles naturally. It can also be used to soothe skin irritations and reduce inflammation.

You can access the product by clicking here.

2. Cold-Pressed St. John’s Wort Oil

Cold-pressed The cold-press process, which involves pressing the plant’s seeds to extract the oil, is used to extract St. John’s Wort Oil. Although less prevalent than infused St. John’s Wort Oil, this kind of oil is thought to be of higher quality.

The necessary fatty acid content and light, non-greasy texture of cold-pressed St. John’s Wort Oil make it a preferred ingredient in natural skincare products.

It is thought to possess hydrating, anti-inflammatory, and regenerative characteristics that can help lessen the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles, calm dry and irritated skin, and encourage a healthy, glowing complexion.

You can access the product by clicking here.

3. Organic St. John’s Wort Oil

Flowers used to make organic St. John’s Wort Oil were cultivated without the use of pesticides or other hazardous chemicals. The popularity of this kind of oil is rising among consumers who favor all-natural, organic goods.

St. John’s Wort oil produced organically is thought to be devoid of pollutants and hazardous residues that can be present in plants grown traditionally. In comparison to non-organic St. John’s Wort Oil, it is also said to be more potent and effective.

You can access the product by clicking here.

4. Blended St. John’s Wort Oil

St. John’s Wort Oil and other carrier oils, including jojoba oil, almond oil, or coconut oil, are combined to create blended St. John’s Wort Oil. As this type of oil may be tailored to meet individual needs and tastes, it is frequently used in massage therapy.

Combining the advantages of St. John’s Wort Oil with the nourishing and moisturizing qualities of other oils, blended St. John’s Wort Oil is said to have a synergistic impact.

You can access the product by clicking here.

How to Use St John’s Wort Oil For Nerve Pain

St John’s Wort can be found in tinctures, capsules, and teas. The plant is also a common ingredient in oil-based skin lotions. However, it should not be used by pregnant women or nursing mothers.

The oil may also cause an allergic reaction and should not be used by children. It is also best to use St John’s Wort oil in low doses, as some adverse reactions have been reported.

St John’s Wort is a very broad-acting herb. It is thought to work by reducing inflammation and swelling. It has also been known to be effective in reducing the pain of arthritis, cold sores, and migraines.Also it is thought to reduce the pain and inflammation of varicose veins.

However, it may take several days or weeks before the effects of St John’s Wort are noticeable. The plant should be taken only under the supervision of a health professional.

How to Use St John's Wort Oil For Nerve Pain

St John’s Wort can relieve pain and reduce inflammation in the muscles, joints, and nerves. It also can improve circulation, which may result in better joint functioning.

It can also relieve pain from rheumatic disorders and broken bones.

If you plan to use St John’s Wort oil for nerve pain, it is best to consult your healthcare professional before taking the herb.

Before using St John’s Wort oil

Before using St John’s Wort oil for nerve pain, choose a safe carrier oil. You can also make the oil yourself. St John’s Wort is a vigorous plant, so use a carrier oil with a mild scent.

You can also mix the oil with yarrow-infused oil to create a soothing and healing oil. You can also make the oil in a makeshift double boiler.

A Pyrex measuring cup can be placed over a small bowl filled with simmering water.

St John’s Wort oil is safe in a warm bath and can also be used as a massage oil. St John’s Wort is also known to help relieve inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema. The plant’s antioxidant properties make it effective in reducing the symptoms of dry skin.

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How to Make St John’s Wort Oil

Using a homemade herbal first aid kit can be a great way to save money. St John’s Wort oil is perfect for many skin conditions. It can help soothe skin irritations and minor burns. It can also be used to relieve nerve pain.

St John’s Wort is also an effective pain reliever. This herb helps to soothe nerves, relieve stress, and support your overall mood.

It’s often used to treat mild depression. But it’s not recommended to take with prescription antidepressants or naturopaths.

To make St John’s Wort Oil, you’ll need a few things. First, you’ll need a fresh plant, and you’ll need to ensure it’s wilted. If it’s not, you’ll risk mold. So, before you begin, check the plant for bugs and make sure it’s not moist.

How to Use St John's Wort Oil For Nerve Pain

Next, you’ll need a clean jar. You can use a quart wide mouth mason jar. You’ll also need some olive oil. This will help cover the plant material and help to dislodge any air bubbles.

You’ll also need to seal the jar tightly. Once the pot is sealed, you’ll need to place it in a sunny spot.

This will help to encourage the oil to turn red. It would be best if you also labeled the jar with the name of the flower.

After about two weeks, the oil should settle. You’ll want to give the jar a good shake every few days. You’ll also want to strain the oil through a fine mesh sieve lined with cheese cloth.

St John’s Oil Benefits

Among the many St John’s wort oil benefits is that can treat various skin conditions. It can be used on skin irritations, open wounds, and rheumatism. It can also be taken inly. Then It is often packaged in amber containers.

St John’s wort is usually used for depression, fatigue, social phobia, and menopausal symptoms. But it has been used for several other ailments as well. For example, it has been used to treat headaches, herpes simplex, gout, and HIV/AIDS.

How to Use St John's Wort Oil For Nerve Pain

It contains several biologically active substances, including hyperforin, hypericin, and tannins. These chemicals act on chemical messengers in the nervous system and may help to regulate mood.

Some studies have found that the benefits of St John’s wort oil include improved sleep. It appears to decrease sleep disturbances in seasonal affective disorder (SAD) patients.

It can also help reduce fatigue and anxiety. Then It has been used to treat menopausal symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats. It can also help relieve premenstrual syndrome symptoms.

However, it is not helpful for irritable bowel syndrome, chronic hepatitis C, and HIV infection.

St John’s wort may also interact with other medicines. For example, it may reduce the effectiveness of hormonal contraceptives. It may also cause diarrhea. There is also a potential for increased sensitivity to sunlight.

Talk to your doctor if you decide to try St John’s wort. They may recommend other dosages or alternative ways of using it. It should also be used with caution if you are pregnant or breast feeding.

Final Thought

Finally, St. John’s Wort oil can help nerve discomfort, inflammation, and circulation. It can treat other skin diseases and depression, exhaustion, and menopausal symptoms when taken internally.

However, pregnant or breastfeeding women should utilize it under medical supervision. It may interact with other drugs and create side effects.

Use a safe carrier oil, create or buy St. John’s Wort oil from a trusted source, and start with minimal doses. St. John’s Wort oil may promote holistic wellness.

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What is St John’s wort oil used for?

St. John’s Wort oil is applied topically for healthy skin and minor skin irritations. It relieves arthritis and musculoskeletal discomfort.

Where do I apply St John’s Wort oil?

St. John’s Wort oil is administered topically. It soothes small burns, wounds, and scrapes, massages weary muscles, and promotes healthy skin.

Is St John’s Wort good for skin?

St. John’s Wort oil may benefit skin. It may help treat acne, eczema, and psoriasis by mending and reducing inflammation.

Is St John’s Wort oil good for scars?

St. John’s Wort oil may minimize scars by stimulating skin renewal. Its efficacy for this purpose needs more study.

Is St John’s Wort oil good for hair growth?

St. John’s Wort oil may boost hair growth. It may increase scalp blood flow, nourishing hair follicles and promoting growth. Its efficacy for this purpose needs more study.

How to Use St John’s Wort Oil For Nerve Pain