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Sam Bennett

Sam Bennett

18 Jul 2023


31 Read.

Mystery of Kennedy’s Controversial Presidential Run

Robert F Kennedy Jr, a Democratic presidential candidate, has been drawing attention due to his unusual support from right-wing groups and his history of promoting conspiracy theories.

This unusual combination of factors has led to Kennedy’s controversial presidential run becoming a hot topic in the political sphere.

Recently, he reiterated his controversial claim that Covid-19 might have “ethnically targeted” to affect certain racial groups while sparing others.

The Controversy Surrounding Kennedy’s Claims

Kennedy defend his comments, stating he never suggest the ethnic impact was intentionally engineer. He referenced a study by the National Institutes of Health on the role of human genetic factors in Covid transmission.

However, one of the study’s authors refuted Kennedy’s interpretation, stating it could harm ongoing research efforts to end the pandemic. This controversy has added fuel to the fire of Kennedy’s controversial presidential run.

Kennedy's Controversial Presidential Run

Despite his controversial views, Kennedy has managed to garner significant support, with national opinion polls showing up to 21% backing him. This support indicates some dissatisfaction among Democratic voters with current President Joe Biden.

Kennedy’s famous family name might also be contributing to his popularity. However, the question remains whether this popularity will be enough to overcome the controversies surrounding Kennedy’s controversial presidential run.

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Kennedy’s Controversial Presidential Run Reactions

The Democratic Party and members of the Kennedy family have distanced themselves from Kennedy’s controversial remarks.

The White House press secretary described his comments on ethnic targeting as “vile,” and his sister strongly condemned his statements.

These reactions have further complicated Kennedy’s controversial presidential run, casting a shadow over his campaign.

Adding to the intrigue, Kennedy has shown a close relationship with the Trump faction of the Republican Party. He has participated in events promoting false claims about the 2020 election and downplaying the January 2021 attack on the US Capitol.

Kennedy's Controversial Presidential Run

Notably, former Trump advisor Steve Bannon had encouraged Kennedy to run, seeing him as a potential disruptor in the 2024 race. This connection with the Republican Party is another unusual aspect of Kennedy’s controversial presidential run.

Kennedy’s campaign has received substantial funding, with many donors typically supporting Republicans. Despite his fundraising success, his chances of denying Biden the Democratic nomination or posing a significant threat are considered low.

However, his candidacy could cause some disruption, particularly in New Hampshire, which has a history of hosting the first primary contest of the presidential election season. As the election season progresses, all eyes will be on the developments in Kennedy’s controversial presidential run.

Mystery of Kennedy’s Controversial Presidential Run