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Sam Bennett

Sam Bennett

22 Jul 2023


36 Read.

President Lula Introduces Stricter Gun Control Laws in Brazil

Brazil’s President, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, has signed a decree that introduces stricter gun control laws in Brazil. This move is seen as a direct challenge to the pro-firearms policies of his right-wing predecessor, Jair Bolsonaro. The new gun control laws in Brazil are expect to significantly reduce the number of firearms in civilian hands.

The Details of the New Gun Control Laws in Brazil

The new decree reduces the number of guns civilians can own for personal safety from four to two. It also limits the amount of ammunition for each gun from 200 rounds to 50. Civilians will now need to provide documentation proving the need to own weapons.

Furthermore, civilians are now barred from owning 9 mm pistols, which are restrict to members of the police and military.

These changes to the gun control laws in Brazil are expect to have a significant impact on civilian gun ownership.

Gun Control Laws in Brazil

During the signing ceremony, Lula criticized the pro-gun policies of Bolsonaro’s administration. He argued that while citizens should have the right to own a gun for their protection, it is not acceptable for civilians to have arsenals of weapons.

This stance is a clear departure from the previous administration’s approach to gun control laws in Brazil.

Bolsonaro’s Pro-Gun Stance

During his presidency from 2019 through 2022, Bolsonaro had argued that “good citizens” should have the right to protect their families and their assets.

He had loosen rules on the possession of guns and ammunition, arguing that “an armed populace will never be enslave.”

This approach led to a significant increase in civilian gun ownership, highlighting the laxity of the gun control laws in Brazil during his term.

Gun Control Laws in Brazil

The new gun laws in Brazil are expect to have a significant impact on the number of guns in civilian hands. Estimates suggest that the number of guns in civilian hands more than tripled to 2.9 million under Bolsonaro’s presidency.

Despite this increase, Brazil’s rate of slayings remained stable during Bolsonaro’s term. The new laws aim to reduce this number and improve public safety.

As Brazil moves forward under Lula’s presidency, the country is expect to continue tightening its gun laws. Lula’s government is encouraging citizens to sell firearms that are not allow under the new rules before the end of the year or face confiscation by the Federal Police.

This move further emphasizes the government’s commitment to enforcing stricter gun laws in Brazil.

President Lula Introduces Stricter Gun Control Laws in Brazil