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Sam Bennett

Sam Bennett

7 Aug 2023


33 Read.

Alternative to Dental Implants

Dental implants are popular for tooth replacement. They seem natural and last long. Dental implants aren’t right for everyone. They are expensive, involve surgery, and may not be acceptable for some people. Fortunately, there are several alternative to dental implants available to restore missing teeth.

Dental Bridges

Alternative to Dental Implants

Dental bridges are a common alternative to dental implants. A dental bridge is a prosthetic that spans the space left by lost teeth to replace them.

An artificial tooth or teeth are usually positioned in the middle of the bridge, which is normally composed of two crowns that link to the teeth on either side of the gap.

For patients who are not suitable candidates for dental implants, such as those with insufficient jawbone density, dental bridges can be a great alternative.

In addition, they require a speedier and easier placement process than dental implants and are less intrusive overall.

Traditional bridges and resin-bonded bridges are the two different forms of dental bridges. While resin-bonded bridges employ a special bonding agent to attach the bridge to the back of the neighboring teeth, traditional bridges involve shaping the neighboring teeth to accept crowns that will support the replacement tooth.

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Dental Bridges Cost

Alternative to Dental Implants

Traditional dental bridges usually cost between $500 and $1,500 per tooth, with a total cost of between $2,000 and $6,000 for a bridge that replaces two or three teeth. The cost of resin-bonded bridges normally ranges from $250 to $1,500 per tooth.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that dental insurance might pay for some or all of the cost of dental bridges. However, coverage may differ based on the specific policy and the type of insurance plan.

To find out what is covered and what possible out-of-pocket expenses there may be, patients should check with their dental insurance carrier.


Alternative to Dental Implants

A removable prosthetic called a denture can restore missing teeth and adjacent tissue. There are two varieties: partial dentures, which only replace a few teeth, and full dentures, which replace all teeth.

Dentures can be a alternative to dental implants for patients who are not good candidates for dental implants or bridges. In addition, they cost less than dental implants.

Dentures do, however, have some disadvantages. They may need to be adjusted over time to guarantee a perfect fit because they have a tendency to slip and move in the mouth, causing discomfort and humiliation.

Dentures Cost

Alternative to Dental Implants

The type of dentures, the materials used, the intricacy of the case, and the location of the dental office can all affect the price of dentures. In general, dentures are a less expensive alternative to dental implants.

Whole dentures normally cost between $600 and $8,000, with a set of upper and lower dentures costing, on average, about $2,500.

The typical price range for partial dentures, which simply replace a few lost teeth, is $300 to $5,000, with an average price of roughly $1,500.

Resin-Bonded Bridges

Alternative to Dental Implants

The resin-bonded bridges, also known as Maryland bridges, are a less invasive alternative to dental implants.

Instead of using crowns to attach to surrounding teeth, resin-bonded bridges use a special bonding agent to attach the bridge to the back of the surrounding teeth.

Patients who are poor candidates for standard dental bridges or dental implants might consider resin-bonded bridges as an alternative. In addition to being less intrusive than conventional dental bridges, the installation process is also quicker and easier.

Resin-bonded bridges, however, might not be as strong or long-lasting as conventional dental bridges or dental implants and might need to be replaced more frequently.

Resin-Bonded Bridges Cost

Alternative to Dental Implants

The number of teeth being replaced, the materials utilized, the intricacy of the case, and the location of the dentist office can all affect the price of resin-bonded bridges, sometimes referred to as Maryland bridges.

Compared to conventional dental bridges and dental implants, resin-bonded bridges are typically less expensive.

At an average price of around $1,000 per tooth, resin-bonded bridges normally cost between $250 and $1,500 per tooth.

Mini Implants

The mini implants are a smaller and less invasive alternative to dental implants. Mini implants are typically used to anchor dentures in place, but can also be used to replace individual missing teeth.

Those who lack sufficient jawbone density to support conventional dental implants can consider mini implants. Also, they are less intrusive than conventional dental implants, and the installation process is quicker and easier.

Mini dental implants, however, might not be as strong or long-lasting as conventional ones, and they might not be appropriate for individuals who have severe tooth decay or destruction.

Mini Implants Cost

The number of micro implants required, the materials utilized, the intricacy of the case, and the dental office’s location are just a few of the variables that might affect the price of mini implants.

Mini implants are typically less expensive than conventional dental implants.

Mini implants typically cost between $500 and $1,500 per implant, with a cost per implant of about $900 on average.

Depending on the number of implants required and the materials used for the denture, the price of a small implant-supported denture can range from $1,500 to $4,500.

Orthodontic Treatments

This procedures, such as braces or clear aligners, offer a minimally intrusive choice for tooth replacement.

Orthodontic procedures can provide a more aesthetically pleasing and functional smile by shifting neighboring teeth into the space created by the lost tooth.

For patients who do not wish to have surgery, orthodontic treatments are an excellent alternative. They can also enhance the teeth’s and the jaw’s overall health, look, and performance.

Nonetheless, the duration of orthodontic therapy might range from a few months to several years.

They might not be suited for patients who have severe dental decay or destruction, and they might not be suitable for numerous tooth replacements.

Orthodontic Treatments Cost

In general, orthodontic procedures can replace missing teeth more affordably than dental implants or bridges.

Braces normally cost between $3,000 and $7,000, with an average price of $5,000. Clear aligners, such those from Invisalign, typically cost between $3,000 and $8,000, with an average price of roughly $5,000.

Comparison Table of Alternative Options to Dental Implants

Dental BridgesDurable and non-invasive for those with good teeth.Needs preparation of surrounding teeth, may be less stable than dental implants, and may need replacement over time.
DenturesImproves mouth and jaw aesthetics, cheaper and non-invasive.May be unpleasant, require frequent maintenance and replacement, and not be suited for those with substantial bone loss.
Resin-Bonded BridgesFor healthy patients, less invasive dental bridges.May wear out faster than dental bridges or implants and need to be replaced.
Mini ImplantsMay anchor dentures or replace missing teeth.May not last as long as regular dental implants, may not be suited for patients with severe tooth decay or destruction, and may need to be replaced.
Orthodontic TreatmentsNon-invasive tooth replacement improves teeth and jaw function.May be time-consuming, may not be ideal for patients with substantial tooth rot or damage, may not replace numerous lost teeth, and may require further maintenance over time.

Final Thought

Dental implants may be the most well-known option for replacing missing teeth, but they are not the only option.

Dental bridges, dentures, resin-bonded bridges, mini implants, and orthodontic treatments can all be alternative to dental implants, depending on a patient’s individual needs and preferences.

It is important to discuss all of the available options with your dentist before making a decision. Every option has advantages and disadvantages of its own, and your dentist can assist you in making an informed choice that will help you attain a healthy, attractive smile.

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What can you get instead of a dental implant?

Dental bridges, dentures, resin-bonded bridges, micro implants, and orthodontic procedures are a few alternatives to dental implants.

What happens if you don’t want a dental implant?

If a dental implant is not what you desire, your dentist can help you choose the best alternative for you by going over your options.

What is a dental flipper?

A dental flipper is a temporary, detachable denture used to fill up gaps left by lost teeth. Normally, it serves as a stopgap measure while a permanent successor is being prepared.

Are bridges better than implants?

Bridges or implants rely on the missing tooth’s position, the health of the remaining teeth, and the patient’s dental health. Bridges can work for certain individuals, but implants stay longer.

Is an implant the only option for a missing tooth?

Dental bridges, dentures, resin-bonded bridges, micro implants, and orthodontics are alternatives to dental implants. Consult a dentist to discover the best tooth replacement option.

Alternative to Dental Implants